Suggest Treatment For Salty Taste, Dry Eyes And Gluey Saliva
Food has begun to taste too salty and my saliva is rather gluey. I am a 77 year old woman.
Appears to be Sjogrens syndrome
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking.
I am Dr. Prakash HM and I will be answering your query.
Based on your query, my opinion is as follows:
1. Dry eyes along with reduced/ thick salivary secretions indicate possibility of Sjogrens syndrome.
2. Sjogrens syndrome is an autoimmune disorder due to destruction of lacrimal glands in eyes and salivary glands leading onto reduced secretion. Parotid gland enlargement/ swelling below the ear may also be seen. This disease is usually seen after middle age. Other organs involvement and joints involvement may be also seen.
3. Schirmer test for evaluating eye tear production and saliva production evaluation for salivary glands can be helpful. Lip salivary gland biopsy could help in confirmation of diagnosis.
4. Management includes:
a. Pilocarpine - to increase production of saliva
b. Using artificial tears and artificial saliva
c. Increased water intake
d. Maintaining good oral hygiene to avoid risk of cavities
Risk of eyes and oral infection present. Treatment should be started at earliest.
Do meet your doctor for tests and prescription.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, here to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM