Suggest Treatment For Sensitive Scalp
Might be possible cause...
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concerns.
Spinal cord is positioned medianally to the back. Various nerves come out and enter inside the spinal cord, which is divided in 4 sections: Neck, Thorax, Lumbar, Sacral.
Depending on the place where the nerve root is located, different symptoms are present. In other words, if pathologies occur at the neck segment of the spinal cord (SC), it usually involves the nerves passing to the head. The consequence is headache.
Other nerves innervating the abdominal organs may come out from the thoracal and lumbar section of SC. Thus, you might feel digestive problems.
Before determining that your problems are due to spinal cord problems, I advise to:
- run MRI examination of SC
- measure your blood pressure and blood sugar levels at the time when you have the episodes and record the results
- run upper endoscopy to evaluate your upper GI tract further
- do a complete blood count to exclude anemia
Hope it helped!
Kindly upload your lab reports...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Thank you for providing more of your medical data. They are helpful in understanding your current health situation and make it easier for me to assist you.
You are reporting to :
- have been tested and found out high bilirubin: Can you please provide the reports, so I can analyze it further?
- have been having a lot of abdominal pain (liver area).
Having a high bilirubin is indicative for possible liver damage. I need to have your lab reports before running into final conclusions. Bilirubin cannot be turned to normal level only by drinking enough water. Further lifestyle and diet changes are needed.
With regards to the pain, can you please tell if:
- the pain starts spontaneously or after eating foods?
- do you feel bloated?
- what about your bowel movements? have you been experiencing constipation? diarrhea?
- any pain/burning sensation while urinating?
There are many organs passing to the right part of the abdomen including liver, bowels, urinary pathways, etc. Depending on your symptoms and lab tests, it will determined the right cause.
In either cases, there is nothing serious happening to you. Unless, changes reported in the lab tests are showing that something worrisome is happening.
For the moment, what you are experiencing is not worrisome, but need further investigations for proper treatment.
Hope it helped!
Following answers to your queries...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Thank you for responding to my other questions.
From what you are describing, having abdominal pain and yellow colored stool are suggestive for possible:
- bowel problems: might be what your doctor says, having your colon working sluggishly.
- cholecyst inflammation and/or stones.
I need your lab tests reports to evaluate liver, cholecyst and kidney function tests.
Colonoscopy or barium test is needed to evaluate the current damages and function of the colon in order to take proper treatment.
If cholecystitis (cholecyst inflammation/infection) is confirmed, then, you should start taking:
- anti-inflammatory drugs
- oral antibiotics
and to follow a strict diet and lifestyle regimen and to avoid constipation.
Feeling tired might be related to:
- reduced immunity: should eat more foods that will boost your immunity. Vitamin supplementation can also help.
- not having your meals regularly.
- common viral infection
With regards to bloating, I advise to:
- avoid carbonated drinks and other foods/drinks that will precipitate bloating
- get colonoscopy, and fecal examinations for ova/parasites and culture of stool for candida in order to determine the right cause and start specific treatment
- increase water intake
- keep more physically involved to help improve your bowel movements.
Hope it helped!
Normal lab tests reports,non-important changes...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Thank you for providing your lab tests reports.
I have gone through your tests reports and everything seem to be normal although slight changes in bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels although they are of no importance.
Bilirubin level is showed slightly elevated only on the last test report, while alkaline phosphatase keeps being slightly under normal range although still of no significant importance.
To complete the final conclusions, abdominal ultrasound reports are needed to understand the moprhology of the liver, gallbladder, and other abdominal organs.
For the moment, I advise to:
- implement healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle regimen
- repeat the liver function test after 6 weeks to see if such changes persist.
All the best!