Suggest Treatment For Severe Flank Pain
Please give details and post actual reports.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
To recapitulate: Male/85 - wants to know why would left kidney ache when in bed - but not when up and around.
Please give additional information for me to assist you better:
- Since when is such a problem?
- Are there any investigations done of blood, urine stool, ultrasound or so on - if yes, please post all the reports
- This may mean pain in left kidney area and can be due to any of the known few causes like colitis, spinal cord or roots of nerves problems/compression.
- Where exactly is the pain?
- Any urinary symptoms?
- Any complaints related to bowel/intestines?
Awaiting for your details.
With Regards.
1)around 5 weeks.
2)lab report 7 weeks ago normal.
3)in lower back,near lower part of ribs.
4)I urinate several times each night,around 3-5 ounces each time,no discomfort,normal color,clear-slightly yellowish.
5)bowel movements normal for me,soft formed to soft not formed, seldom constipated.
as explained in details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
As per the history you have provided this looks to be related to the muscles like fibromyalgia or RSI that is Repetitive strain injury or may be related to kidney.
I would advise you the following:
Get an ultrasound of the area to confirm or rule out any problem as discussed.
This can be followed by an MRI for the spine and structures around, the muscles in question and kidney too.
Urine and blood test.
Once the diagnosis is made, it will the a specific treatment treating the cause and effect.
In the meantime any anti-inflammatory medicine as Ibuprofen in 8 hourly interval if it suits you.
Take strict bed rest if possible.
Avoid all the movements that instigate or enhance the problem.
I hope this answer helps you.
Please get the things done and give the feedback