Suggest Treatment For Severe Itching Sensation On The Face And Body After Oral Sex Indicate?
I recently had unprotected sex with a friend. And I have a fear I might have contracted sex. We had oral sex with each other. And I have a itching sensation on my face and body . I am afraid to whether I have got pubic lice or any other STD. I would like to know if there is a hospital I could pay a Visit tomorrow in XXXXXXX to help me with figuring this out. I am single and unmarried. And would like to run the different tests involved and get treatment necessary. I have been getting quite nervous about this whole thing and would like to get some sound advice.
Oral sex carries a low risk for HIV/STD.
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Thanks for posting your query.
You had sex with a known friend. You would be likely to know your friend's activities. So she/he is unlikely to be a HIV positive individual.
Oral sex carries a low risk for HIV when compared to Vaginal and anal sex.
Itching sensation over face might be due to your anxiety.
Pubic louse infection is not common to infest over face.
Every Government hospital has facilities to examine and treat for STD. Similarly any Dermatovenereologist in XXXXXXX is competent enough to examine and investigate you for the presence of any STD/HIV.
Moreover many big labs like SRL, LalPath. Vimta, Metropolis etc. are having a STD panel tests for most of the major STDs. Other labs are also will collect blood and can report you the reliable results.
Dr S.Murugan
Thank you for replying. I think I made a mistake while typing my question earlier, I had both full frontal sex and oral sex with this person . It was unprotected. My partner in this case is a woman who has had many more partners before that I know about. Claims to be dating only me at the moment. Though I have my own skepticism on the matter. Any other transferrable condition that could be causing this?
Ruling out with tests for the possibilities of HIV/STD is recommended
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You had both vaginal and oral unprotected sex with a woman who has multiple partners. Then there is risk for STD/HIV. Itching sensation over face and body following sex, we can think of certain possibilities:
1. Genital scabies or sexually transmitted scabies
2. Body louse infection
3. Allergy or urticaria
4. Anxiety
Most of the major STDs like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Herpes, genital warts and HIV would not manifest with itching primarily.
As you have risk for STD/HIV, rule out these possibilities with appropriate tests after the window period. Stick to safe sex always in future to avoid this risk and unnecessary mental tension.
DR S.Murugan
Time taken for the appearance of antibodies in blood is window period.
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Window period is the time taken by the body to make antibodies against any infection which can be detected by the investigation to confirm the presence of any infection. It may vary infection to infection. Window period for AIDS is 6-8 weeks after the risky contact and sometimes extended up to 12 weeks and never after 6 months.
Antibodies for syphilis can be detected after 4 weeks after the exposure.
Genital scabies can be detected by careful examination and history only. There is no test is available commonly for scabies.
Dr S.Murugan