Suggest Treatment For Severe Pain In Abdomen
Pain usually starting from rt iliac fossa but recent episodes started from left ilic fossa , pain slowly progressive in intensity , moves to whole abdomen in 2-3 days, pain may radiate to tip of shoulder.
Sometimes associated with vomiting
Some relief after passing flatus or stool or vomiting
Pain accompanied by fever 100- 101F.
Mild relief in pain after taking crocin.
Pain intensity peaks in 1-2 days and then vanishes in 4-5 days
Cect abd with double contrast- normal, capsule endoscopy and colonoscopy normal, stool microscopy normal, x ray abd erect during pain - normal
Your complaints could be related to improper bowel movments.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have carefully gone through your query. The first thing that I would like to ask you is whether you have constipation. The descriptions that you have provided go with constipation. The large intestine starts from the cecum which lies in the right lower abdomen, runs upward as ascending colon upto the upper right of the abdomen, then moves sideways as transverse colon upto the left upper abdomen and then runs downward upto the left lower abdomen as the descending colon. It could be that you are having stool impaction in this region. This is causing partial obstruction which is further slowing down your bowel movements (preistaltic movements). The lack of proper bowel movements causes waves in the reverse direction and thus gives rise to occasional vomiting. The lack of adequate bowel movements can cause stagnation of undigested food and thus may cause bacterial overgrowth which in turn may be the cause of your fever.
If my suspicion is correct, you would need to:
* Take high fiber diet. Taking fiber supplements like psyllium husk daily should be helpful.
* You may take stool softeners. PEG is an over the counter preparation that may be tried.
* Taking Rifagut (rifaximin) - a gastrointestinal antibiotic, should be helpful. It is a prescription medication and you would need to ask your doctor to write it for you. It should relieve your fever.
* Take plenty of yogurt or curd as it contains beneficial bacteria and hence should be helpful.
Hope that helps.
Try the measures I have suggested and I hope that you would get relief.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. Sorry for not being able to respond earlier. I understand that you do not have XXXXXXX constipation or diarrhoea but my suggestions remain valid. Try them out and I thing that you will see a difference. You can follow up with me after a month or so and based on the existing situation then, I would be able to guide you further.
Wish you health.