Suggest Treatment For Severe Pain In The Arms And Legs
Nervous system involvement to consider and exclude.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for using HCM.
I have read your question and understand your concerns.
Influenza H3 viral infection may cause muscles and body aches as well as may result in peripheral nerves irritation, so, this may explain at least partly your mother's symptoms.
Since episodes of very high pressure were present, central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord ) involvement by hemorrhage ( subarachnoidal ), or in the other hand, directly by virus ( meningoencephalitis ) are conditions to be taken in consideration too.
Neurological evaluation and central nervous system imaging ( brain and spinal cord MRI ) are necessary to evaluate and exclude nervous system involvement.
Discuss with your mother's Doctors about these issues.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Let me know if I can assist you further.