Suggest Treatment For Severe Pain In The Right Side Of The Head
Headache needs to examined and possibly some tests would be prudent
Detailed Answer:
The description of your headache unfortunately does not lend itself to an immediate diagnosis as the type of pain you have can be due to organic headaches such as migraines or they could be due to trigeminal autonomic cephalgias though you haven't really given any other details in terms of accompanying symptoms which are common. Also, it could be a dental or facial structural problem such as a swollen set of salivary glands, orbital pain or pressure. There could also be some type of structural lesion in a neck artery such as a fistula or aneurysm in the neck that can cause pain.
Your best bet and really the only way of knowing for sure what this pain represents is to see your primary doctor who can at least run some preliminary blood work and maybe even some imaging studies such as an MRI of the head and an MRA of the head and neck.
Beyond that I would recommend you start keeping track of your symptoms in a diary or log format so that you can see what things seem to come on day by day and if there may be any triggers to make it worse vs. better. If your doctor would then, send you to a person such as a neurologist or headache specialist then, you can take your diary of symptoms which will also document any medications you are taking (even if over the counter) and put it together into an orderly and logical way so as to come up with a diagnosis of either a PRIMARY sort of headache such as migraine, tension, cluster, etc. Or if these symptoms are actually due to some other problem that needs to be addressed such as dental issues, salivary gland issues, vascular anomalies, or other as of yet undiscovered metabolic or endocrinological issues.
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This query has utilized a total of 15 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.