Suggest Treatment For Severe Stomach Pain
Please give details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/67 - terrible pain in the stomach - feels like something has *twisted - goes away after a few minutes of leaning and stretching - happened 3 times this week - leaves soreness in that area - wants to know what could it be...
Please provide me a few more details to make me understand the problem better and assist you further:
- Was there nausea or vomiting at that time?
- Was there a local or generalized bloating?
- Was it relieved after eructation or passing of gases per-anus?
- For how much time the soreness remains?
- Any other information you would like to provide?
- Any investigations done?
-Any past history of any medical disorder?
Answers to these question have in-built answer.
Hence please give these details.
Investigations are needed as well as an opinion of a General Surgeon.
Detailed Answer:
Sincere thanks for your feedback.
Read it carefully to understand your history well.
From the information you have given the possible causes look to be:
- Intestinal obstruction which get relieved as it may be partial or sub-acute, which in turn can be due to intestinal blockage,
- Intestinal spasms in response to something that the intestines do not tolerate.
- I hope you must have been taking treatment of GERD, acid reflux and hiatal hernia.
Such a problem can be diagnosed by:
Clinical evaluation and examination by a General Surgeon.
Enteroclysis under fluoroscopy control to see the bowel movements and pathology in real time is the best investigation in such a case. (considering the past history when I reviewed your other questions).
MRI of hte spine to be sure about any pathology in the spine causing pain in abdomen.
EKG to rule out any Heart related problem as this can present in such a way that you have explained.
Continue treatment for GERD, Hiatal Hernia and acid reflux in the form of PPI like Omeprazole, Domperidone and antacid to have these under control.
Get investigated and diagnosed at the earliest to get a proper treatment.
Your symptom complex needs to be properly investigated as advised.
Please give feedback of the investigations reports.