Suggest Treatment For Symptoms Of GERD
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I can understand your concern and worry towards the diagnosis of cancer. But this not in your case.
1) Your present symptoms are identical with GERD. I suggest you to undergo upper GI endoscopy with RUT test for H.Pylori infection and also rule out hiatus hernia in same endoscopy. Thus appropriate treatment can be started.
2) Why did you ask about exocrine pancreatic insufficiency? This happen generally in chronic pancreatitis (alcohol intake is most common cause).
Throbbing pain in sides are not associated with GERD. this might be due to other reason and need evaluation to find out cause of it.
3) About your worry for cancer - it is associated with organ specific symptoms, decreased appetite, weigh loss. Simple abdominal pain unlikely to favor diagnosis of cancer.
Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help you.
Have a good day!
Evaluation for EPI and pain on sides
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1) For pain on both sides - need USG abdomen to find out cause as this can not be due to GERD.
2) EPI may be due to structural damage to pancreas as in chronic pancreatits or physiological abnormality of pancreas. Both can be detected on USG abdomen + Lipase and Amylase blood tests.
3) Stomach bug would cause diarrhea also and pain would be on front of abdomen, not on sides.
Most probably GERD
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I apologize for late reply.
1) About chest pain and upper abdomen pain, it might be GERD and endoscopy is recommended.
2) As your trypsin level was low and having pain on sides would require CT scan of abdomen for evaluation rather than MRI. For this pain, it will be very early and logical only to guide you based on symptoms only.
I guess the reason why gerd and epi are still being debated is because this pain literally came on after a breakfast meal one day (about 6 months ago) and hasnt gone away. Something so sudden viscerally just naturally causes panic in me, especially since its still around, and even more present .
less likely to have pain from pancreas
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Thank you very much.
I am not suspecting pancreatic condition as a reason for development of pain on both sides because,
1) Pancreatic pain would be in center of abdomen just above belly and sometimes in center of back.
2) Severity of pancreatic pain would be far more than you described.
3) Pancreatic pain episodes are repetitive.
This is the reason I suggest to evaluate further because GERD never cause such pain and pancreatic pathology is less likely for development of this pain on both sides of abdomen.
I know that its very difficult to assess without testing or seeing me in person but if not pancreatic or gerd, what might you hypothesize this to be?
I should mention that the upper right pain gets pronounced when i sit upright (versus standing or laying down) .
Some typical features of pancreatic pain.
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If this pain radiates and aggravates in sitting or bending forward then it might be due to pancreatic pathology.
Pain on either side of abdomen, sudden in onset, sever, colicky type indicate renal (kidney) origin of pain.
But pain radiation from abdomen to back, aggravation of pain on bending forward are typical characteristic of pancreatic origin of pain. Also pancreatic pain would be more after food intake as pancreatic digestive enzymes secretes after some time of ingestion of food.
No possibility of cancer
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No. Never. Pancreatic cancer cause jaundice first and pain would be almost nil.