Suggest Treatment For Urticaria

My urticaria started 8 moths ago and until the November no drug was able to fix my situation.My doctor told me that there is a injection named as XOALIR and it cures the urticaria.I took the injection a month ago and my problems started immedietly.(150+150 mg from both arms)
Chornicles of what happened to me after the injection.
November 20th - November 21th : I took the injection in November 20th at 05.00 PM.Immedietly after taking the injection I felt terrible vertigo and dizznes,it felt like my blood pressure dropped.I went home hardly and slept all night,my doctor told me that it will pass.
November 21 th –・November 25 th : Dizznes and vertigo almost past but I had a chest pain,I was afraid maybe its was releated to a heart problem and went to hospital.They checked it and they found no problems.Until the november 25 everything seemed fine except chest pain.
November 25 th –・December 7:This where the nightmare begin,in the morning of the November 25th at 09:00 am while driving a car I felt terrible dizznes and vertigo suddenly.I was too harsh and terrible and I barely reached to school.For an hour I wait for it pass and then I talked with my doctor.Again she said that it was not releated to the Xoalir and told me to go to neurologist.I went to hospital they made some tests(Brain Mr and EKG).My neurologist didnt found any problems so she told me that maybe it was something releated to diabetese.Couple days later a diabet doctor made me some blood test(diabet test) and again nothing was found.Days later.I went to a another neurologist and she recognies the drug.She read the description of the drug and told me that these are all known side effects and these will pass.Unil I reached the december things were terrible,I was not able to drive a car and my life was ruined.Vertigo and dizznes were too strong and it ruined my life.I failed on all my exams and lessons during this time.
December 7 th –・December 15 th : Things got better during this period,the chest pain was almost gone,dizzness and vertigo was very little.I returned school and I was able to drive a car again.I thought that things will get better when I reach the end of the December,because doctors said that this injection will last on your body for a month.
December 15 th –・December 20 th : Things got worse again.Starting from december 15th dizzness and vertigo come back.I just dont feel well.This time I tried to fight against it but I am getting tired of feeling like a zombie everyday.
So today is December 20 th its has been a month since I take the injection and with the returning of the side effects again my life is ruined.My psycology is at the bottom and I dont know how the hell I will live like this.I prey god everday to save me from this nighthmare.During all these period urticaria was not seen on body so drug really stops it but I wish it come back now because all these side effects are much worse than that.
Today is 30 December problems still continue and I am about to go insane,my doctor keeps deniyng that this problems caused by Xoalir.I have searched about the injection and find out that it is a dangereous drug.A doctor from this website told me that these problems will pass in six weeks and there are only 4 days to 6 week limit and I dont think that these problems will pass.
Can someone,anyone point me a direction,how can I get rid of these terrible dizzness,is it normal and will it pass ?
Give it some more time
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
First of al, Xoalir is one poor choice for urticaria. A drug with such potential side effects should have been postponed. Anyway, I would not like to bring you down. Need not worry this will come down in another 2 or 3 weeks.
Dizziness and vertigo are common side effects of this drug and will fade over time. You can take medications like Vertin to alleviate the symptoms you have.
Take multivitamin supplements which help to throw out the last left medication from your body. This may also restrict the redistribution of medication which causes relapses of the symptoms you have.
Need not worry, if the intensity of the symptoms vary from episode to episode. This does not indicate worsening.
Hope, I answered your query.

What vitamines names details ?
My doctor keeps telling me to use Aerus,but it doesnt helps me only creates more headaches.
It has been more than 41 days,for 41 days I am fighthing aganist this terrible dizzness and the other doctor from here told me that sometimes it lasts for 6 weeks(only 3 days left to enter the 6th week).Now you say it will fade away in 3 weeks which makes in total 9 damm weeks.I cannot wait that much.My exams are about to arrive and my psycology is at the bottom.
Is there a chance to get rid of it in upcoming days or will it last at least 9 weeks,is it differ from person to person ?
Please light me a way doctor,I cannot find anybody on my country who has enough knowlage about the injection tell me a way to get rid of this !!!
Vitamin A B and E supplements
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
Yes, Vertin contains Betahistine antivertigo medication.
Vitamin A, Bcomplex and E supplements help in detoxification of medications in the body.
You got it right, the effect could be subjective and differ from person to person some may take less and some more time to get out of the side effects of the drug. I am sorry to say this.
Take vitamin supplements and consume ample amount of water this may speed up the process.

I am drinking lots of water and eating the foods which consists those Vitamins.There is one strange thing I noticed so I wanted to share.Today I was really good until the 21.00 PM then suddenly I have felt something strange on the left side of my face and dizzyness attacked me after that.Now I feel clumsy and I have a small headache on the left side of my head close to my ear.Things like this happen from time to time and it always effects the left side of my head so it normal ?
These problems I have looks liike the symtoms of inner ear problems,if you ask me the Xoalir is the sole reason for my problems because before the injection I had none,but can problem be something else or maybe xoalir caused something to go wrong ?
What are your thoughts ?
Yes, other reasons could be possible
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
Since its been long time, I believe there is necessity for you to get investigated for other causes which could produce such symptoms.
Do consult a neurologist and an ENT specialist who's integrated opinion can help to get to the actual cause of the problem.

So should I go back ?
ENT specialst ? A doctor who checks the ear thorat etc ?
Still only the left side of my head hurts.Sometimes front side sometimes rear and sometimes backside.
Take a second opinion
Detailed Answer:
Yes, take a second opinion from a neurologist.
Sometimes dizzy spells could be due to damage in the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear. Though medication like Xoalir may not harm the inner ear, its worth investigating.

Yes and yes
Detailed Answer:
Yes, there is still a chance to consider Xoalir could be the culprit and can be treated.

How can I treat the side effects of Xoalir ?
The only thing left is to wait right ?
Oke an update !!!
I think Urticaria is returning to my body,there is in my leg and it looks like a hive not circle and its color is diffrent but it looks like that.
So should I see this as a good thing or a bad thing ?
If it means that finally xoalir is losing its power thats great news I dont care about the urticaria coming back I can fight with it.
If this means that I will have both urticaria and dizzyness problem in upcoming days this means that my life will be ruined double time.
What do you think ?
Yes, Xoalir traces are reduced
Detailed Answer:
Returning of urticaria definitely means that the Xoalir traces are getting reduced in the body. This also means that the side effects you were suffering from will soon come to an end.
Treating the side effects of Xoalir is by Betahistine (Vertin) As I mentioned earlier.

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