Suggest Ways To Rule Out Tendinitis
? bursa inflammation ? tendinitis
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting the question.
I have gone through your medical history in detail.
From the symptoms it seems that you might be suffering from bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) in the foot region.This causes swelling and pain in the affected area.
Another reason could be an inflammed tendon (tendinitis).
Both these conditions can be effectively treated by taking adequate rest,anti inflammatory tablets and applying compression bandage and a local analgesic gel.
Hot fomentation will be helpful.
A possibility of raised uric acid levels in blood cannot be ruled out and it should be checked in blood if symptoms do not improve in a couple of days.
Consult a orthopedist and get an Xray done if symptoms persist.
I hope the answer was useful.
Feel free to ask me any follow up queries that you may have.
Thank you.
Kind regards.