Taking Acupuncture For Sciatica. Weakness In Legs
Degenerative disc changes with osteoartheritis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting query.
At this age there might be having degenerative changes in joints producing osteo-artheritis.
It seems that you might be having same changes in your lower spines producing irritation or pressure on the nerves passing through the inter-vertebral spaces giving rise to sciatica type of pain.
Constant irritation on nerves produces weakness, tingling and numbness in the legs.
If the weakness is profound and is affecting your daily activities, I suggest you to report back to your doctor / spine surgeon at the earliest. X-ray or CT scan of lumbo-sacral region is in order.
In the interim, take vitamin supplements along with calcium, vitamin A and D supplements.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarifications.