Taking Antibiotic For Cough. Feeling Lightheaded, Dizzy And Phlegm At The Back Of Throat. Reason?
I've had a cough for 9 weeks now at first it was really bad and I couldn't sleep at night with it but I've been to my doctors who have prescribed me antibioctics so I've had 2 lots of antibiotics now and although the cough has calmed down a lot I have some phelgm in my throat that just won't come up and sometimes it's just a dry cough with no phelgm also when I cough can smell a bad smell with it especially when I have the phelgm at the back of my throat and also havent been feeling well with it a bit lightheaded and dizzy
Thanks for posting your query.
Your symptoms could be suggestive of a residual infection in the nasopharyngeal region or upper respiratory tract which can give rise to irritating dry cough or scanty sputum along with parosmia ( bad smell) or an allergic cough which can last for many months especially after some atypical or viral infections.
I understand that you have already taken 2 courses of antibiotics so any major complication is unlikely . However please note that after finishing the antibiotics it may still take about 2 weeks for the cough to resolve . If its not been 2 weeks since your last treatment then you should wait and watch for self resolution .
If its already 2 weeks more after you finished treatment then you need to get yourself evaluated by a Ear nose throat surgeon who can confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate management . The treatment is mainly supportive ie . Cough suppressants , zinc logenzes for faster healing and steroids for resistant cases.
In case they suspect allergy antihistamine drugs like levocetrizine and montleukast would help relieve it along with inhaled steroids.
As of now you can take warm saline gargles and steam inhalations both thrice daily to soothe your throat and enhance healing .
The dizziness you experience might be seen as a result of inner ear disturbances caused by upper respiratory inflammation which should subside once it's treated.
So I would advise you get yourself reevaluated for confirming the diagnosis so that treatment can be advised accordingly.Please don't worry as the situation at present though annoying for you doesn't seem much worrisome and is likely to resolve soon with appropriate management .
Hope that answers your query.
Please let me know if you have any further doubts.
Thanks for the follow up.
Dizziness after a severe bout of coughing can be seen in some cases however if you feel severe dizziness like nearly passing out it needs to be further evaluated and cannot be likely just due to the ongoing infection.
Considering you have a history of migraine also just make sure you get your ears and blood pressure checked by your doctor to rule out any significant cause of vertigo .
Another cause of dizziness could be a sideeffect of medications which I assume is unlikely if you are not on any current medications.
Hope I have answered your query.
I'll be available for any further queries.