Taking Glycogen But Sugar Level In The Morning Is Not Coming Down. How To Cure It?
Thanks for posting your query.
From description given it seems that you are newly diagnosed to have diabetes.
Normally the drugs takes about 5-7 days to work and you should have at least some reduction in blood sugar by then.
As you should be knowing the range for normal fasting sugar is <110/mg dl. And post lunch is <140mg/dl.
The medicines given for one month and blood sugar not lowered needs dose revision and addition of medicine.
Please get in touch with your doctor and discuss with him. He will add another drug and might increase the dose of current medications.
Apart from this please do the following which should help.
>Take proper diet and avoid sugar in diet. Take 3-4 small meals in a day. Do not skip meals or overeat.
>Do Regular exercise. Exercise increases the utilization of sugar and at the same time help the Insulin in the body to be more effective.
Keep regular follow up with your doctor and get regular investigation done as per advice from your doctor.
I hope this helps.
Wishing you good health.