Taking Homeopathic Bio Combination For Rheumatism And Got Relief. Found That Cod Liver Oil Helped. Suggest?
1. Should i take these capsules ?
2. Should i also eat Vit E capsule along with as suggested on one of the site?
Is there any test available that confirm that I have Rheumatism, so that can go for quick relief medicine, if so please advice.
These are the symptoms -Stiffness in muscles (legs, thighs and arms), Body pain / Fatigue, urination is not frequent and Hair loss.
I drink almost 4 liters of water everyday but still i am having acidity.
Rheumatism as you would know is a broad entity that refers to painful joints. Its treated with pain killers and other alternative treatment. As a physician my expertise is limited in field of alternative medication, therefore I am unable to comment about bio combination pills. However the following are answers to your specific query.
Though there are no robust scientific evidence, we have enough data available that suggest antioxidant drugs have significant role in treating arthritic pain. Besides that, it has various other health benefits. Hence you can start using cod liver oil as well as vitamin E supplements for its antioxidant effects.
As far as confirmation of rheumatism is concerned, specific tests such as blood hemogram, ESR, C-reactive protein and autoantibody need to be assessed; besides radiological tests. The test need to be streamlined by an expert rheumatology. Hence if you haven't consulted a rheumatologist yet, you are advised to XXXXXXX them.
Yes, stiffness, body aches, muscle fatigue and hair loss can be related to rheumatism. In addition, it would be worthwhile to look at your thyroid hormones too.
If drinking enough water is not helping acidity, you can try antacids such as syp mucaine gel 5 ml thrice a day before food for couple of weeks. Sleep well and eat a low spicy food.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if you need clarification.