Brief Answer:
Skin disease treatment .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query .
First of all I want to tell you one thing that after reading your history of illness I can say that this is not a case of scabies , fungus infection or liver problem.
In my opinion this itching may be due to following reasons , these includes.
Atopic dermatitis , usually characterized by history of allergy to some allergens as in your case allergy due to cat, dust , pollen mold.
Diagnosis can be confirmed by histological examination of the skin .
I would like to advise you please use TACROLIMUS OINTMENT &
PIMECROLIMUS OINTMENT after consultation with your
dermatologist .
In your case crusted and weeping lesions present so also take systemic drugs like DICLOXAXIN or cephalexine 250 mg four times in day fro 7-10 days.
2 The next possibility may be
ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS . Diagnosis can be confirmed by skin biopsy and patch test by a dermatologist . As you are a known case of allergic to cat , pollen , dust so we can not rule out this thing.
Treatment is antihistamine and avoidance to these allergens.
In such cases I usually prescribe monteleukast +
fexofenadine in combo pack twice in day.Also take some local applicant as mentioned above.
3 The 3rd possibility may be due to PSORIASIS . Factors may exacerbates psoriasis including infections , stress and certain medication as
hydroxychloroquine ( as all these factors present in your case).
In such type of cases Ultraviolet B therapy is effective along coal tar application.
Topical psoralen is very effective for the treatment of psoriasis .
As you mentioned in your query that there is oozing of fluid from skin as this is due to pustule formation , may be due to infection or may not be .
In my opinion consult one more dermatologist and narrate whole things as mentioned and deal accordingly.
Hydroxyzine is also good antihistamine but you can use monteleukast + fexofenadine ,if your drug is not effective for itching.
Hope this information will be helpful for you.
Further any question I will reply in follow up .
Good luck.
Dr. HET.