Tingling Sensation In Arm. Had Ectopic Beats. Taking Zoloft. What Could Be The Cause?
I have been taking rivitrol for 20 years and zoloft for several years to treat the panic attacks and lead a pretty normal life
I have had stress tests Holter Monitors, ECG's and an echocardiogram and nothing besides ectopic beats has shown up.
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Several years of ectopic means, they are mostly benign.
Psychotropic drugs could contribute – but you are taking them for many years...
If the ectopics are bothering to the extent of interfering with life style, there is advanced technique of investigation – Electro Physiological Studies (EPS) This super-speciality expert is called ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGIST. The treating doctor may suggest them depending on need, based on his assessment of the situation. Treatment like ablation of the focus could be done during the procedure...
Stress ECG and/or ECHO are done to exclude ischemia as a cause....
Hence tingling sensation is unlikely to be related to ischemia or the ectopics...
It may be from nerve irritation – neurological examination and MRI of the cervical spine can help. Also get electrolytes, calcium checked...
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck
As the episodes of ectopic beats has become more prominent over the last year or so, are you suggesting that Zoloft and/or Rivitrol could be causing or exasabating the issue?
What is Electro Physiology and what do the procedures involve?
Also, what is ischemia?
Given that the tingling is somewhat associated with times when I have a lot more ectopic beats, would that be a sign of circulation, or , do you still thing it is more likely nerve related?
The drugs are known to be contributing in some people. It is difficult to pin point in a given individual - the only way is to stop and see.
Ischemia is reduced blood supply in relation to demand. It is usually due to narrowing of blood vessels / rarely from spasm.
Electro Physiological Studies (EPS) > it resembles angio – a catheter is put inside the heart / electrical activity recorded / stimulation and suppression tests are carried out / suitable medicine tested and so on. Though the test is the gold standard, it is INVASIVE and hence is not generally done unless there are compelling indications. That is the sure way to detect the origin of the beats / abnormal pathways (nerves). This super-speciality expert is called ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGIST. The treating doctor may suggest them depending on need, based on his assessment of the situation.
They do not affect the circulation - unless the rate is extremely fast and un-coordinated...