Toddler Treated For Jaundice. Presently With Yellow Eye And Passing Yellow Stool. Symptoms Of Jaundice?
She is now 5 mos old and I am noticing a yellowing of her eyes again and her stool has become pale yellow instead of mustard color like it usually is. Could she have jaundice again? She was doing so well the past 4 1/2 months is it possible it can come back?
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
I require answers to following questions to answer your queries better.
What is the blood group of mother and father and baby?
What was the maximum serum bilirubin level?
Do you have any reports of your baby's serum bilirubin and other investigations at birth? In that case, please upload them.
Was an exchange transfusion done at that time?
Was an ultrasound examination done at that time?
Was the stool pale colored at that time also?
Presently yes, your baby could be having jaundice again.
Is your baby accepting feeds normally now?
Is there any fever or any other complaint?
How is the urine... Is it dark?
Is there any distension of the abdomen?
Did you get any investigations done currently? If so, please upload them.
Is she active and achieving normal milestones like holding neck etc?
What is her current weight?
You have a feature to upload the reports by yourself on the right side of this query page. Please utilize it.
Please reply with details so that I can help you better.
Take care.
Dr Y V Siva Sankara Murty
Associate Professor of Pediatrics