Took Cipro. Noticed Swelling In Lower Abdomen. CT Scan Done. Should I Be Worried For Hernia?

recently i felt a slight bulge/swelling in lower left abdomen area right on the very edge of the abdomen. It appears to be near or on the right side of the inguinal canal. Had a CT scan done nothing showed up but the bulge/swelling is still there which comes and goes. I noticed this after exercising and one day while ejaculating the pain worsened and the bulge/swelling appeared the next day with pain. This happened in Mid December 2012 and now its XXXXXXX 2013 almost 7 weeks now. Is there a muscle/tendon/ligament in that area that can bulge/swell periodically. Or can it be a start of a hernia. No real pain now just a dull feeling. The Bulge/Swelling is somewhat hard not soft and i can make it go down by pressing or sitting a certain way sometimes. When the bulge/swelling goes down it feels like a little tube. Also, I took cipro weeks prior 500mg x2 a day for 10 days. Could the antibiotics have weakened my abdominal wall? I have a bowel movement more often now but no diarrhea or blood in stool. Also, is it possible that some type of hernia didn't show up on CT Scan?
As per your description, it seems to be Reducible Inguinal hernia.
As the name implies the contents of the sac will be reduced into abdominal cavity - sometimes spontaneously, in lying down position and sometimes with manual manipulation.
If the content is bowel, the swelling feels soft. Hard consistency is felt when omental fat is part of hernial sac,it will be hard. Perhaps the omental fat herniation is causing the swelling in your case.
Antibiotics have no relation to Hernia. Therefore ciprofloxacin is not the cause.
As CT scan is taken in lying down posture supine position, the hernia might have got reduced and thus not diagnosed. I would suggest you to consult a competent general surgeon who can examine the area affected in detail and confirm this possibility.
If hernia is confirmed, it has to be operated as there is no medical treatment.
Let me know if you need further clarifications.
Wish you good health

To follow-up, I have seen at least two general surgeons now who examined me physically for a hernia. One concluded that the knot felt on the left side seems more muscular (tendon/ligament) than a hernia as he did not see a noticeable bulge. He also stated that the probability of the CT Scan not detecting a hernia is extremely low.
The second general surgeon examined me as well and told me he did not think it was a hernia also. It was a quick 5 minute examination and he suggested taking Motrin.
This is very frustrating as I am an athlete so my groin and abdominal muscles are very tight. I am wondering if this is cause this knot to be minimal compared to typical hernia bulges.
I also visited my Primary Care Manager and she examined me. She stated the same thing that it did not appear to be a hernia. She pushed on my left side from the hip area down to the groin to feel for the knot that I described. She felt the noticeable difference but again did not think it was a hernia. The next day I had blood in my stool and I am assuming it was from her pressing my side as I have not had any since. When I called her office to explain that I had blood in my stool she suggested that I get a colonoscopy due to the abdominal issues I had in the past. I am not sure that I should get a colonoscopy at this time or if this will solve my issue. I do her rumbling/turning noises in my stomach almost all day and sometimes when I press on the knot. Could this be my intestines that is knotting up in the same spot every time due to out-pouching? Could it be constipation?
I am scheduled to go to physical therapy because this is what the doctor recommended to see if I have muscles that are just tight. Is it possible for a muscle/tendon/ligament to tighten and release for almost two months to cause this problem. Also, can you address the part where I stated leaning on my left side for a few hours and then feeling the pain. I did have stiffness in my lower back and side as well which took about four weeks to go away. If this is something muscular then I am not concerned. I will just have to wait for things to heal. But if this is not the case then I am very concerned because I have never had this issue before.
I am planning to look-up another general surgeon who will examine me and take me more seriously than the prior two that I have seen thus far.
Thank you in advanced for your response.
As you are an athlete, it is very difficult to diagnose hernia clinically, unless it is large and extending into the scrotum.
As per your history, it appears when you increase your intra abdominal pressure.You are also pushing it inside.It indicates a communication into abdominal cavity.
When the hernial sac is confined to the inguinal canal, it is difficult to diagnose on palpation. Sometimes, there will be Impulse on coughing in standing posture which is better seen than felt.
There is a test which is done for young athletes who complain Groin pain.It is called Herniography.With this,small hernia's will also be detected.
Please get this test and post the result.I will follow further.
Blood in the stools may not be due to pressure exerted outside.But,it should be investigated with Colonoscopy.This procedure may rule our any Haemorrhoids (Piles), Growth,polyps etc in the large intestine.
If you come back with reports, I will follow further.
Till then use Muscle relaxant tablet twice daily.
Wish you good health

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If Herniography test comes normal, you please XXXXXXX an Orthopaedician and rule out any muscle/tendon problem.

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