Took Mifepristone Tablet. Noticed Bleeding. Having Prolonged Bleeding. What To Do?
Bleeding started within two hours and heavy bleeding for 3 days ,later it reduced but still some bleeding contunued since one month.
But I haven't taken other 2 (200mg each )misopristol tablets .
My problem now is its bleeding since one month very less amount and no pain is it because i didn't complete the course if 4 tablets .
What I can do now , can I take them now ,please suggest .
Need USG scan. Consult with Gynecologist.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Following abortion, mild bleeding or discharge is quite common among some women for initial 1 to 2 weeks. However, we need to confirm whether abortion procedure is completed or not. Incomplete abortion or failed medical abortion may cause long time bleeding or discharge.
Here, I suggest to undergo one ultrasound scan (USG) at the earliest to check for retained bits or placental tissue if any. You may need to undergo D & C to complete the abortion procedure in case of large amount retained bits. Very small parts may be evacuated through medication.
Kindly, consult with your gynecologist at the earliest for clinical assessment and undergo one USG scan for next line management. Till then, maintain genital hygiene properly.
Hope, above said information is sufficient & very much helpful. Let me know, if you need any clarification.
Wish your good health and take care yourself.
Dr Soumen
For future query, you can directly approach me through
Do one USG scan to check retained bits.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up query.
First thing, you have to do one ultrasound scan for checking retained bits if any. Without that, it is not wise and ethical to take additional misoprostol as it may cause other side effects in future like irregular period, inter menstrual spotting, abdominal cramp etc.
Following scan report, it can be decided whether misoprostol can evacuate the retained bits or you need D & C to complete the abortion procedure. Kindly, consult with your doctor regarding this. It will be benefited for you.
Hope, it helps for you. If you do not have any query, you can close the discussion.
All the best. Good luck.
Dr Soumen
Its my last question.
within how many days I have to do scan and remove retained placenta , deos it has any side effects if I delay for 2 weeks or more.
Can I leave the discharge to continue so that abortion will complete naturally.
No delay. Do the scan as early as possible.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for additional query.
It is better to undergo one ultrasound scan as early as possible. Keeping placental tissue or retained bits for long time may cause uterine or pelvic infection.
It is already one month past from your abortion procedure and again delaying or waiting for natural abortion is not a wise thought.
You must consult with your doctor for proper management of this case at the earliest following the scan report.
Dr Soumen