Tooth Abscess Treatment Scheduled. Taken Over Dose Of Paracetamol. Am I Risking? What Can I Do?
This dose of 6 to 7 grams a day is capable of producing liver toxicity as in few individuals toxicity may result from even a normal use of paracetamol and also people who use alcohol or are malnourished,this dose can result in hepatic toxicity.
So it is very difficult to exactly quantify your risk as the toxic dose of paracetamol is highly variable and varies from individual to individual.
Normally no symptoms appear in first 24 hrs,although few may complain of nausea.
The problems starts from 24 to 72hrs and it may be jaundice,confusion or loss of consciousness.
The liver enzymes like ALT and AST become highly raised to the tune of more than 1000.
You must report to the hospital and get your blood levels of paracetamol and liver enzymes done as early as possible and get the treatment if there is any paracetamol toxicity.
I hope to have answered your query however you can revert to me for any further query.
Thanks and best of luck.