Treadmill Test Shows Positive,recommended For Angiogram.Angigraphy Suggests No Need For Angioplasty.Please Suggest Appropriate Tests.
Around four years ago, my father got his heart check-up done. Trade-mill test came positive and he was recommended to go for angiogram. Angigraphy did no show need for angioplasty and angioplasty was not done. Now after four years of time, in what steps we should get the heart check up done. I mean do we need to go for angiography directly? Or we need to go for ECG, TMT etc. first?
Thanks for writing in.
It is good to know that angiography done 4 years back was with in normal limits and your father did not require any further intervention.
As regards with necessary check ups to be done as follow up care in his case , please consider following things
1. There is no need to undergo angiography directly .
2. Get him investigated for following screening tests
Blood sugar profile
Lipid profile
BUN ( blood urea nitrogen) , Creatinine
ECG ( electrocardiogram)
TMT (Treadmill test) - stress test
3. clinical check up with some simple tests like
BP chart
BMI Body mass index are also important .
4. Diet consultation with diet changes after the basic blood lab reports are available will help .
5. We need to consider angiography only when individual has chest pain , breathlessness on exertion and has a positive stress test.
I hope this update will be useful to schedule preventive cardiac check up .
Cardiologist consultation in clinic after all tests is also advisable
Wish your father a good health