Treatment For Enlarged Tonsil, Earache, Headaches And Red Patches On Tongue?
Thank you for your query.
1. The ear ache is probably a referred pain if your ear examination is normal.
2. Headaches may signify sinusitis and the enlarged right tonsil may be due to a Post Nasal Drip (PND).Frequent ear popping and the warm feeling may also be due to this.
3. If you can upload close up images of the red patches on the side of the tongue , palate and inside the cheek, it will be possible to give an opinion. If all these lesions are linked then they are most likely to be due to acid reflux or allergy. Is your tongue coated? Are these patches painful? Do they heal or not? Do you have any exposure to tobacco products or alcohol?
4. You may also share any previous clinical examination notes, investigations (including of the ears) and prescriptions to help me understand your condition better. Meanwhile, start regular steam inhalation, a medicated gargle and a multi-vitamin tablet twice a day.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.