Tumor Behind Eye Removed, Suffering From Thyroid Eye Disease, Eyelid Fixed. Feeling Dizzy, Given Valium. What Can I Do ?
Thanks for sending your query to us.
Can you please be more specific about the tumor that was taken out from your eye?
At the first instance your problem does not seem to be related to removal of tumor from the eye or the surgery you underwent for exophthalmos (protruded eye ball occured with thyroid problem). This can only occur in situation of variation of thyroid hormone level.
The problem is likely to be due to meniere's disease. Severe Vertigo/dizziness is one of the cardinal features of this disease. You have to manage your medication for Meniere's disease. You can call your doctor's office to call the nearby pharmacy for the prescription.
Incase you are unable to procure the prescribed medicine I can suggest few changes in your lifestyle. Though these changes will not bring immediate relief but will be beneficial in the long run:
1.Take a low salt diet.
2.Avoid sudden jerky movements.
3.Stay still and rest when you have the symptoms.
4.Avoid bright lights and television during the attacks.
5.Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake.
6.Exercise regularly and eat a well balanced diet.
Please do get back to me in case of any difficulty.