Twitching And Mild Pain In Right Templw, Esophogal Stretching. Administered Propyl. HAd Root Canal. What Can Be The Cause?
Your question is a good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations regarding the symptoms you are experiencing.
Regarding the twitching and the pain in the right temple, number of causes come to my mind. The Commonest cause is the one related to anxiety and stress. Diabetes can itself cause pain as well as twitching due to involvement of the facial nerves. Other causes like hemifacial spasm, tooth caries, focal seizures and movement disorders like dystonia and facial tics. Pain is not a usual feature of hemifacial spasm and focal seizures.
My recommendation would be for you to see your physician for a good physical examination and consultation. Though diabetes and dental caries can cause pain, twitching is uncommon in tooth caries. I would advise you to use mild pain killers if the pain is disabling and troubling you. You need to see your Dentist to exclude caries teeth.
I want to reassure you this looks to me like related to probable anxiety and stress rather than a serious neurological disease.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you find my response to be both helpful and adequate.
If you have any additional concerns regarding your question I would be happy to address them.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist.