Upper Abdomen Pain, High Fever With Redness All Over Body, Flakes. What Must Be Done ?
Malaria test- negative
urinanalysis WBC - 5-7
Blood test: TLC -14.6 (was 11.3)
segmented neutrophils -82 (was 81)
eosinophils 07 (was 02)
lymphocytes 05 (was 15)
Liver& kidney: AST/SGOT 49
Alkaline phosphatase 163
GGT 230
creatinine 1.2
Thanks for posting your query.
I assume you have consulted his physician/pediatrician for a thorough clinical examination before going on with investigations.
If not then please do consult a physician or if feasible an infectious disease specialist.
Your son most probably has had an alergic reaction either to augmentin or the egg proteins.
This is also reflected in his blood tests with high eosinophilcount in latest report.But he also has some infection either viral or bacterial mostly gastrointestinal or a UTI which is suggested by high wbc counts, liver profile deranged and wbcs in urine sample.
You have been advised the appropriate medicines like allegra, atarax for the rash but the augmentin a penicillin group antibiotic is known to cause allergy so should be discontinued.
Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the rash to resolve after stopping augmentin.
The fever might respond to stronger antipyretics like ibuprofen or mefenamic acid as per his doctors prescription.If his fever is persistently high (>103° F) or he develops any breathing difficulty, decreased urination, palpitations of heart then you should preferably XXXXXXX him in a hospital or emergency room for intravenous medications.
He may require some tests like esr, crp, viral markers, blood and urine cultures and if needed skin biopsy, to confirm the diagnosis.However a clinical examination of the patient may narrow down the probable diagnosis for his doctor and he may advise tests accordingly.
Since his liver and kidney function test are deranged it would be best to get him hospitalised for better monitoring and management, though the treatment is possible in out patient department (opd) too.
Hope I have answered your query.