Uterus Is Big. Sonogram Showing Dominant Follicle In Right Ovary. Very Nervous. Suggest A Solution?
Findings need reevaluation in next cycle
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic.
The uterus will be slightly bulky in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Similarly 12 mm endometrial thickness is also borderline.
The 18 mm size structure in your right ovary can be the ovarian follicle.
Your gynecologist want to repeat USG on the seventh day of coming cycle to make sure of the normal follicle maturation. if your menstrual cycle is otherwise normal and regular and there is no excessive bleeding.
Then these findings can be considered within normal limits in the upper range. The ultrasound for the next cycle will ensure that you are not having any abnormal pathology, which I hope is the case.
I hope the advice will be helpful for you.