Vaccination For TB, Inflammation, Pus, Covered With Scab, Green Pus, Deep Wound. Treatment ?
Thanks for writing to us.
A typical BCG vaccination causes a small red spot to develop within 2-6 weeks and a lesion forms after 6 weeks. It usually becomes scaly, crusty with slight bruising and will eventually form a scab and then heal to form a round flat scar. The vaccination site should be left uncovered to heal properly. They normally heal within a 3 month period but can take up to 5 months.An abscess formation is also commonly seen as has happened with your son.
The wound needs to be left open with daily cleaning done with savlon or an antiseptic solution. You can dust some neosporin powder on the wound to prevent any superadded infections.
It is best to get the wound examined from his pediatrician so that he can rule out any other associated complications.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.
Wishing you good health.