Was Prescribed Clindamycin For A Very Painful Tooth Infection. No Relief. How To Reduce The Pain?
Correction to prescribed dosage: stated as 300 mg, 4 x day; should be 3oo mg, every 8 hours. Began about 1500, 04/30/2013; currently about 1800, 05/01/2013.
More important then pain relief is that antibiotic is effective for infection. Pain should ne managed by painkilers so ask your GP about nonsteroid painkillers or some stronger if these arent helpful.
Pain would subside on antibiotic treatment but only after and when infection site is reduced. It usually happens 2-5 days after first tablet. There is no need and no use to increase dosage so I suggest to stay at 4x300mg.
Secondly, infection can be rarely resistant to clindamycin so some peniclilin+metronidazol can be prescribed,but as I said you should wait at least 3 days till clindamycin starts working.
Sometimes there can be dental abscess formation and antibiotics may not penetrate into this so surgical procedure should b performed in this case.
But go step by step,I am sure that antibiotic will work an you ll feel better soon.
WIsh you good health. If you have any question I ll be glad to help.