Weight 59 Kgs. Height 5.4. Ideal Weight? Suggestions For Weight Loss?
Your Ideal weigh would be between 61-65 Kg
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting the query.
As per the given data, your BMI is 22.2 Kg/m2. This means that your weight for the height is within the normal BMI Range. It is important that you maintain the Proper diet and regular physical activities to maintain the current weight. However, if u wish you reduce a few more kilos, then 2-4 kilos would be the maximum scope.
When it comes to diet, the choices for a weight loss program rotate around the high fiber sources of energy while eliminating any possible source of empty calories like alcohol and carbonated beverages. Also, the other high calorie foods like sweets, white rice, sugars, ice cream, refined foods etc. should be cut down in terms of intake.
Dairy is important, but is would be wise to opt for low fat dairy products and avoid adding any sugar to these items.
Fats and fried foods have a lot of flavor but at the same a time these provide quite high percentages of calorie post digestion, in addition to the unwanted fats and sometimes direct cholesterol. Choose from refined vegetables oils like rice XXXXXXX olive, corn etc. while eliminating the saturated fats like coconut oil, pure ghee and butter etc.
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. These are good options for a quick bite as a snack. Not only refreshing, but they also help in improved digestion and keep you full. Nuts and dry fruits may also be taken in moderation, keeping in mind that when fried nuts and dry fruits provide too many calories, and are also difficult to digest. Whole pulses and cereal grains are packed with quality fiber, and maintain satiety for longer hours.
Go for pears, XXXXXXX cider vinegar, yogurt, unsalted popcorn, green tea, black coffee (sugarless) and black beans. Use less salt in diet and take your meals on time. You may divide the meals into small portions and have it at regular intervals. Club the diet program with physical activities for better results. A brisk walk of 30 minutes or some light exercises may be started at initial phase. Gradually improving the time and frequency.
Hope this helps.
Medications are for special cases
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the followup.
As you know now that the weight loss goal for you is very small and realistic. With regular exercises and controlled diet, you can achieve it within 6-8 weeks, without compromising on nutrition.
The medications are mostly prescribed for morbid cases, where quick weight loss is to be achieved for medical reasons. But even then diet and exercises play a very very important role.
By following a regular diet and activity routine, your weight loss efforts take a positive route and the chances to regaining the lost weight are also very low, as this method brings in the lifestyle modifications as well.