What Are The Side Effects Of Oleanz, Tegretol And Lithosun SR?
My dad age 59 have been taking following medication from very long time. More than 20 years. It was prescribed very well known doctor. Is it safer to Continue life long or to be stopped. . any known side effects? worried to.stop.the medication and also worried if it Continued any long term side effects. What should I do?
Lithosun SR
Tegritol 400mg
Oleanz 7.5mg
Bipolar disorder treatment should be given for long.
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for asking from HCM
I can understand your concern. Based upon the medicines he is taking it appears that he is sugaring from Bipolar Disorder. The bipolar disorder runs a long course and treatment is advised for long.
Even if he is stable even then medicines should be continued. But regular follow up with psychiatrist is advised. Medicines should never be used without proper supervision of a psychiatrist.
Lithium carbonate, Tagretol or Carbamazepine, Olanzapine are all safe to used drugs and doesn't cause very serious side effects. These can be continued but a follow up with a psychiatrist is advised.
Lithium can lead to tremors, thyroid dysfunction on long term but that is seen at high doses. Olanzapine could lead to development of metabolic side effects like increased weight, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidemia etc. Tagretol sometimes could lead to rashes, low blood counts. But these side effects are seen at high doses. He is taking normal or not very high doses.
Thanks and Take care
The medicines are safe to use
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
If he is not on high dose of Lithium then you can remain relaxed. The medicines are safe to use.
The dose is not a high dose.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
No it's not a high dose. Even in my opinion 400 mg a day is not a adequate dose. You can get his serum lithium levels done to find this. Lithium follow therapeutic window phenomenon. The drug acts in a particular range of levels only. Any low or high levels are not effective. But since he is stable at this dose continue to give him this dose.
Thanks and Take care