What Are The Side Effects Of Vancomycin?
Too early to rush seeing an infectious disease specialist
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
It is true that Vancomycin could lead to the side effects you just described. However, the duration and dosage of Vancomycin treatment with C. difficile infection are very unlikely to cause serious damage. I suggest being watchful with regards to any potential complaints when he starts taking the drug. Seeing an infectious disease specialist at this point in time in my opinion is too early. He deserves more holistic care at this age and I think his GP is better placed. In case he would deserve some specialized opinion, his GP for sure might not hesitate. Going through his GP would also inform the specialist better with regards to his past medical history and certain specifics that might be useful upfront for the specialist.
It is a good idea to get a colonoscopy done for his age. However, starting with testing occult blood in the stool could a good starting point to screen for colon cancer. Though not 100% sensitive, coupled with some clinical information could be useful. Doing a colonoscopy however is a good idea.
I suggest appropriate physical exercise like walking for his age, a balanced diet and especially vegetable rich are the most essential things he needs. Encouraging him to drink lots of water too is very helpful.
In my opinion, family support especially psychologically and love are key at this age. Letting him do the activities of his choice (TV, reading, traveling and vacation) to me are very helpful.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish him the very best of health.
Dr Bain