What Are The Side Effects Of Xirtam?
I am using Xirtam 20 - Medoxomil Tablets to control By BP for the last 6 months, which was prescribed by my Physician. He has told me to continue the medicine for some time more till next check up. I would like to know whether prolonged consumption of this medicine can lead to any kind of health problems / side effects.
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Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend
Welcome To HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.
Most important is to get a controlled BP then to look for side effects. Every medicine has its side effects. But its not that every one gets them. If one gets them we modify or change the class of Anti Hypertensive drug.
But BP medicine needs to be continued to maintain a normal range BP that you are getting now.
As far as side effects are concerned most common encountered are drowsiness, insomnia, fall in BP, respiratory infections.
But usually one gets them in initial stage only.
There are no significant long term side effects if this drug.
Also simultaneously do exercise and follow low salt and low fat diet.
If your Kidney functions are normal this drug is relatively very safe to use.
If you have any further query please ask me