What Are The Signs Of Heart Attack?
Unlikely heart issues
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear user ! Thank you for posting your question here and welcome back.
I read carefully your concern and I understand.
The symptoms that you prescribed are unlikely to be from heart issues. The examination you did ECG , X-ray rule out any heart problem or pulmonary .
The symptoms may be part of GERD , anxiety or muscular.
I advice you to start The medication for GERD : Ranitidine or PPI drug ( like Esomeprazole 20 mg twice a day for 4 weeks , ) take care about your diet :
Avoid spicey food , fried food , fatty food , alcohol , coffe . Eat small meals and several times during the day .Eat at least 2 hours before bad time ,while you sleep keep you had higher than your body.
For joint and muscles pain use warm compresse and topical anti-immflamatiries painkillers (ibuprofen,diclofenac..)
Or Paracetamol
Hope I have answered your question .
If you have any further clarifications I will be glad to help ,if not you can closse The answer .
Take Care !
Dr Balliu