What Are The Symptoms Of Gall Bladder Problem?
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome.
Gallbladder problem is mostly caused by stones in gallbladder and less common by gallbladder dysmotility. There are some typical symptoms and signs which are present in most cases, but there are also exceptions. These typcal signs include dull pain in right upper part of abdomen which can be constant or be present as colics. Pain usually starts after meal and last for several hours. Also, it is usually associated with nausea, vomiting and less common diarrhea. This all happens when stone become stuck in gallbladder neck. After stone is pushed down to duodenum, pain disappear,but if it become stuck permanently then it can lead to cholecystitis/gallbladder inflammation which is associated with fever, pain progression and require surgery or antibiotics. It is also recommended to remove gallbladder if there are stones and recidive pain. Small stones may be even more dangerous than large one since these may pass to pancreatic duct and cause pancreatitis. Also at the time of performing ultrasound stones may have not been in duct but it can changes at any time.
Wish you good health. Regards