What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatitis?
pain in abdomen?Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Hi,Good Morning.Thanks for the query to My virtual Clinic at HCM.
I studied your query in full details and understood your concerns of obsession for pancreatitis.
Before opining on the diagnosis please update on following important facts-
How it started this time ?Why you had vomitting and fasting 2-4 days back?
How frequently you drink alcohol?
When was the second time after 2008,you suffered from pancreatitis?
When was the last follow up check was done?
Hope to get this information so as to plan for your demand.
What sort of diet / job / life style you have currently?
Welcome for any more queries and information in this regard.
Your main concern is you want to avoid pancreatitis?
Till then-suggest following treatment-
Be on Bland Low Calorie / low fat- liquid diet ONLY x 10 days.
No cold drinks / alcoholic drinks / tobacco/ smoking .
Skimmed butter milk x 2 times per day
Spinach Soup x 2 time a day
Vegetable Soup x 2 times a day
Tofu soup x 2 times a day if need be.avoid for 1 wk.
Awaiting your updates.
Good day.
With regards
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Not sure why the vomiting started 4 days ago, along with severe nausea; I thought I got really carsick that day and then I thought I got a stomach virus or ate something bad. So when I stopped vomiting and nausea, I returned to regular diet and had horrible stomach pains, that is why I fasted the 2 days, afraid I had pancreatititis symptoms, like I had before, but the other times I didn't feel better at all once it got started until I was in the hospital.
I drink wine at home with my husband in the evenings with dinner pretty regularly; not every day but occasionally.
The second time after 2008 that I was hospitalized for pancreatitis was in 2012, it was a much milder case and I only stayed 10 days, no ICU or organs starting to shut down, just got IVs and I felt better real quick.
The last follow up check was about three month ago, but no labwork was performed.
My current diet/job/life is healthy but busy and stressful so a lot of fast food or going out to eat. I work for my husband's business as a bookkeeper and I'm always behind, I have 2 teenage boys, oldest one is blind, always worry about that. But we are all healthy, don't smoke at all, and try to get a lot of exercise and walk 2 miles at night.
My main concern is just to avoid pancreatitis and it is still hurting and I don't know if I should go to the emergency room because I think they would admit me for quite a while but on the other hand I don't want to make things worse on my other organs or my whole self by not going in time if I have to. I will try your recommended diet in the meantime. Thank you so much for your advice and expertise.
Gastritis with Enteritis?Under investigation
Detailed Answer:
Provisional Diagnosis-Gastritis with Enteritis?Under investigation/2nd reply.
Hi,Thanks for the detailed updates.I reviewed this info with your query.
I understood Your main concern is to avoid pancreatitis.
For that you continue following treatment advise-
In my opinion just get your Stool Examination by concentration method -for Ova /Cyst /Trophozites.? What is your stool frequency and consistency?
Continue bland liquid low calorie diet
Plz update me your body weight.
Avoid spices in any form for next 10 days.
Stick to home food as far as possible.
Skimmed butter milk with banana x 2 times a day.
Consult your ER doctor for multivitamin supplements like Tab Zincovit C(OTC)
Restrict your wine for 10 days time
I would advise specific treatments after I get your further info as asked above on body weight and on stool test report by concentration method.
Hope this would resolve your concern of avoiding pancreatitis.
Forget of the USG report of bulky pancreas as your radiologist doctor has told it is normal.
Don't worry of Pancreatitis any more but be vigilant about it by good diet.
Relax with this dietary treatments and forget the obsession of pancreatitis.
Welcome for any further query to ME at my virtual clinic at HCM.
IF you like my service and care -express it in your good and strong reviews for new and old patients.
Await your Stool report and other updates soon.
Have a Good Day
With Regards