What Can Be The Consequences Of A Seizure Incase The Patient Is Left Unattended?
What's the worst that can happen if I'm alone and I go into a seizure and I just continue to seize and seize unattended?
Thanks for your query,
After reading through the history presented by you I would consider the reddened eye was probably due to sub conjucntival heamhorrage, Which is not serious and self limiting within a week.
The reason for the same could be due to raised Blood pressure during the episode of stress that happenbed during the incident where you had black out .If raise in BP confirmed, it could be reasonable to considered that the black out you had could be due to complication from the raised BP.Get your BP examined soon.
Also there are chances of reduced platelet count due to the drug Dilatin( phenytoin ) which can cause subconjunctiuval haemhorrage but the black out could not be explained here.
I could assure you that the reddening in the eye (provided if vision is good ) is no where caused by any tear in the deeper structures of the eye.
The answer to your last question :If you are unattended and you went into continuous sezuire( status epilepticus ) you can have fatal complications like respiratory failure, hypoxia, aspiration pneumonia ,Cardia arrest,Neuronal damage similar to that of hypoxia,Decreased cognitive function if recovered on own etc
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries I will be available to answer them.