What Can Be The Effects Of An Acute Deficiency Of Vitamin D?
A level of 6 is , as you stated, below the normal expected value.
Some persons may have a low level and initially have little or no symptoms.
The problems related to vitamin deficiency are as follows: (1) muscle spasms (2) softening of the bones which is called osteomalacia (3) increased risk of heart disease (4) increased risk of diabetes (5) increased risk of some mental illnesses such as depression (6) cognitive impairment (the ability to think, remember and reason)
Treatment involves(1) exposure to sunlight. More than 90% of a persons requirement can come from casual exposure to sunlight. Exposure for 5 to 10 mins of the arms, legs , hands, face will improve production and levels. Use of a sunscreen will decrease the production by 95 %.
(2) use of an oral supplement- a supplement with vitamin d, either on its own or combined with other vitamins should be used
(3) some doctors may suggest the use of injections to administer high doses of the vitamin on a weekly basis.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
Depending on the units your lab used to measure vitamin D level. In the units of ng/ml- it should be above 30.
In nmol/l , it should be above 50.
A level of 6 is significantly below the norm in both units.As stated earlier, you may or may not have any symptoms at present but you need treatment.The main problem is the thinning or weakening of the bone.
Your doctor may suggest treatment by sun, oral supplements or the injections.
You may want to ask him or her which is the best course for you
Please feel free to ask any other questions