What Cause Uncontrolled Twitching Of Face And Eyes?
It's problem in Muscle or nerve or in Brain.
Detailed Answer:
Greeting from Dr. Divakara.P
First of all thanks for choosing Healthcaremagic for posting your query.
First let me explain you some basics. Twitching means it is involuntary contraction of the muscles. Muscles get signal to contract from the nerves supplying it and for facial muscles the signal comes from Facial nerve which comes from Brainstem ( you can take it as Brain )
So if you are having twitching on your face then the problem must be either in your muscles ( conditions called Myopathies ) or in your Facial nerve ( something in and around your skull is irritating or compressing your Facial Nerve or Problems in the Brain ( like Seizures , degenerative diseases etc )
You need an evaluation to know what and where is the problem. If you can get an appointment with the neurologist that would be great. If not then get the following tests done and revert back .
MRI Brain and Cervical Spine, EEG , Serum CPK, Lactate .
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .