What Causes A Sunburn Like Rash On The Face?
Keep doing the above tests and see the specialists
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking i HCM.
I gone through your question and i am trying to give you some informations to help you.
According to the history you explain it is not the first time for you to experience these problems.
In my opinion based in your data the most important clue in all of this is diabetes.
Are you treating it correctly or not?
Usually the diabetic patients do several infections as a result of the imunocompromise status they have due to diabetes.So the first thing to do is to see the endocrinologist and the dermatologist to collaborate together.They probably advice you to do the follow tests:
Viral testes,
Culture of the skin specimen area involved
Probably the diabetes is not so well controlled.
After the results the relevant specialists will decide for the best treatment choice.
Keep doing the above tests and see the specialists
Wish you a fast recovery