What Causes Abdominal Cramps, Nausea, Brown Vaginal Spotting And Tenderness In Breast?
I am a 34 year woman, trying to have our second child. I had hcg 10000IUI on 28th last month. Started taking duphaston from 1st XXXXXXX and my doctor has suggested to take duphaston till 15th XXXXXXX She also asked to do a home pregnancy test on 15th. As I was getting pregnancy systoms like cramp, breast tenderness, hunger, nausea, I did a hpt on 10 dpo and its negative. My period is due on 14th this month. I noticed light brown spotting this morning. Does it indicate I am not pregnant? Do I still continue duphaston?
Continue to take Duphaston
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I somehow feel that you are being overconcerned and overapprehensive. The mentioned symptoms do not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. They could occur due to a number of reasons including pregnancy. To know if you are pregnant, you would have to wait for the periods. If you do not get your periods, you can wait some more and then get the home pregnancy test done. The light brown spotting does not indicate that you are not pregnant. But you need to continue taking Duphaston as directed.
In order to become pregnant have unprotected sex with your partner every alternate day between 10th and 18th day of your cycle. A higher frequency will compromise the sperm count and will reduce the probability.
Let me know if I could help further.
It is no use being impatient.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. Yes, I had noticed that you had tested negative on 10th. But the test was useless anyway. The period was due on 14th. So, you needed to wait till about the 20th and it is only if you still had not got the periods that you should have gone for the home pregnancy test.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Early test has the risk of false negativity
Detailed Answer:
The earlier you do a test, higher is the chance to get a false negative. That is the reason for me to suggest being patient. A home pregnancy may give you positive results even before the periods are due but a negative test at the same time cannot rule out pregnancy. Hence I insist you to wait and observe. There is nothing that you can do right now anyway.
Duphaston would not delay your periods. It only attempts to provide a favorable environment for your pregnancy. It is a very frequently misused drug (given when it is not needed) and hence told you that you are perhaps being meaninglessly apprehensive. But you should not abruptly stop this medicine midway.