What Causes Acute Abdominal Pain After Removing Polyps?
investigations is the key as is actual internal examination.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female / 57 - colonoscopy 3 years - 2 polypi removed as explained - deep pain right lower where ovary would be- worse when several BM - recovering from virus with vomiting, diarrhea and hip pain - Wants to know whether internal hemorrhoids can cause this pain - anything to treat it - not worried about hemorrhoids but wants to know whether she can do anything to treat it - do Surgeons remove internal hemorrhoids - Hysterectomy with ovary years ago - using OTC cortisone cream ...
The deep pain where the right ovary would have been can be due to many reasons. Since the uterus and ovary have been removed, the causes can be Typhlitis, meaning inflammation of the cecum or the starting point of the large bowel / Appendicitis / Lymph nodes / post-op adhesion /
The increase in the pain on several BM can explain the cause as by Typhlitis and so on .
If there was a virus causing vomiting, diarrhea and hip pain, it will eventually will settle.
To answer your queries:
- Internal hemorrhoids can no cause the which you have.
- You can do the following- Sitz bath, laxative, no straining at defecation and regular check-up.
- Internal hemorrhoids are not removed by the surgeon.
I would advise you the following for the deep pain you have:
-Tests of blood, urine and stool.
-CT scan of the abdomen including the whole pelvis.
-Colonoscopy and biopsy.
-Actual internal examination by a Gynecologist to see any tender spots on per-vaginal examination.
All these thing can help to find the proper diagnosis, which once made can certainly be helpful for a proper treatment.
I hope this answer helps you to get a proper diagnosis and further management based on the actual findings. Please feel to ask for any further relevant queries or if you feel that there is a gap-of-communication.