What Causes Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity?
Adult acquired flat foot
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Thank you for trusting HCM with your question.
It seems you have what is called adult acquired flat foot, assuming you did not flat foot diagnosed before.
Acquired flat foot can be due to arthritis, diabetes, or injury.
This is one of the most common problems affecting the foot and the ankle.
Therapy is non-surgical in nature like braces and orthotics, but surgery can still be an option in severe cases in which pain is not tolerable or it is affecting life style and daily activities.
Understanding the reason of why it happened is also important, if you do not remember an injury, other medical causes that I aforementioned need to be ruled out.
Please refer to an orthopedic for treating the case, but for understanding the reason why it happened you might as well get an internist consult.
Kind regards,
Dr. Nazzal