What Causes An Ectopic Pregnancy?
possible ectopic pregnancy.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to HCM,
the fact that the serum beta hcg levels are positive and above 2711, indicates that there is a hcg production and likely there has to be a pregnancy. Now if the pregnancy is not inside the uterus then it can be an ectopic pregnancy anywhere outside the uterus even in abdomen or in the ovary itself, tubes, cervix, broad ligament anywhere.
The next step should be to undertake serial serum beta hcg monitoring 48 hrs apart and if there is an increasing trend in the two levels I.E doubling of hcg or a rise of more than 65% in the hcg levels, then there is for sure an ectopic pregnancy and one needs to find it.
The next step post that would be a USG ABDOMEN AND PELVIS or an MRI , if that fails.
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The antibiotics cannot cause beta hcg secretion, so that possibility is out. As the hcg levels are high, as good as 5th week pregnancy, so there has to be a hcg producing mass, likely pregnancy , so a serial serum beta hcg test 48 hrs apart is most important. If there is a rise in levels so there is a hcg producing mass somewhere if not in adnexa or pelvis then somewhere else, which needs to be searched, identified and operated upon and removed.
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She can have aldigesic p, if she has any pain anywhere. The earliest an ectopic is detected usually in tubes is by 4-6 weeks gestation easily. I feel one can wait another week and observe the beta hcg serial levels as that shall give us an indication of the viability of pregnancy wherever it has implanted or there is a possibility that gestational sac may appear in uterus due to delayed implantation . So a repeat usg should be under taken after a week again.
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The beta hcg is 912 which has dropped drastically indicating a failing and non viable pregnancy at unknown location. The other possibilities are hcg producing ovarian tumours, but the hcg in them do not drop without treatment.
The most likely cause for the same still remains failing pregnancy.
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There are no specific reasons for chemical pregnancy , usual being triploidies, congenital anomalies or chromosomal abnormalities.
The next pregnancy should be planned only after 3 months post the hcg levels are dropped below 3 mIU.
Yes menses should arrive next month once hcg levels drop below pregnant range.
Detailed Answer:
As the cyst is follicular and less than 4cm, it should reduce on its own after a course of ocpills for 3 months. Ideally she should be placed on oc pills for cyst resolution. Menses should ideally resume after a month if she is not on oc pills.
However a repeat beta hcg test should be done after 8 days again to check the hcg levels and scan as well to confirm the completion of miscarriage.