What Causes Body Chills, Fever And Lower Left Abdominal Pain?
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns that you are having ringing sensation in ears.
As per your clinical details it appears to be urinary tract infection (post sex with lower abdominal pain, fever with chills) with sensorineural hearing loss due to aging (ringing sensation is common in nerve deafness).
I suggest you to consult ent surgeon, get detailed Ent examination, audiometry (degree and type of deafness), complete urine examination(pus cells in urine), if necessary ultrasound abdomen(stone in kidney system). Depending on the examination, treatment can be started.
Hope this answers your question, if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.