What Causes Burning Sensation In Clitoris After Having Sex?
I has long duration sex with my husband and after which I have acute pain an burning n my cloritis .
Please help me with what medicine should I take .
local hygeine and analgesic
Detailed Answer:
Hello mam, thanks for trusting health care magic.
It is common to have burning sensation in interoital area after long sex.
Following measures will help you in this-
- warm water cleaning of local area twice a day
- change underwear twice q day
- drink lots of water
- clean your genitals every time you go to pee
- avoid sex for 3 days.
No need of medicine as yet, in case pain is bothering you a lot then take a tablet of paracetamol and keep taking above precautions.
In case the problem persists or increases then you might need an antibiotic after examination of your local parts to rule out any injury.
Take care. In case you have other questions you can contact me directly on http://bit.ly/drmanishajain
but I tried almost everything but can you suggest me anything for immediate relief as I could not sleep whole night even after taking Crocin 650 mg and no relief .
tab urispas
Detailed Answer:
I understand your situation.
In this case then you should take tablet urispas stat and then see for relief.
In case there is no relief even after this tablet then I would suggest you to visit your gynecologist for local examination to rule out any injury to the genitals.
All the best.