What Causes Burning Sensation In One Eye?
She needs antibiotic and artificialtears eye drops
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history.
It seems from the history that your wife is having burning sensation and feeling of foreign body sensation in eye.
This can be because of irritation or inflammation of the eye or presence of foreign body in eye.
I prefer to treat conditions like this by antibiotic eye drops and artificial tears eye drops after ruling out foreign body in the eye by examination.
Please mention the eye drops she is using and presence of other symptoms like redness, watering, discharge, blurring of vision, photo sensitivity..... so that I can answer your question more accurately.
Thank you
With regards
Bloodshot eye probably indicate conjunctivitis.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
I reviewed the history and the reports attached with the question.
Blood shot eye indicates conjunctivitis. You need to continue Thera tears eye drops as prescribed by your doctor and along with this antibiotic eye drops are required. I usually prefer use of broad spectrum antibiotic eye drops like moxifloxacin eye drops.
If possible do send a photo of the affected eye so that I can confirm the diagnosis and advice you more accurately.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards