What Causes Burning Stomach Along With Heart Burn And Appetite Loss?

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I have gone through your medical history and reports provided carefully and understood your concerns.
1. I always say to my patients coming into my clinic with the same problems as you that should not worry about something that is causing pain. That is not a serious problem. We usually worry about those things that seem to be tiny and insignificant but, indeed, they are hiding very serious issues.
In your case, I still think that you should not be worried about what you are experiencing. That is not serious. It is fastidious but not serious.
2. Now, coming to Lycopene; this is a potent anti-oxidant that will help:
- reduce weight
- clear your liver
- strengthen your immunity
So, lycopene is usually helping those who really needs. And here we are talking about supplemental dosage. Because, you can take lycopene by eating tomatoes for example, which are rich in lycopene.
3. I have gone through your lab reports and found nothing serious there:
- AG ratio is slightly low but not problematic because : albumin/globulin and total protein levels are within normal range
- high monocyte levels are indicative for possible viral infection
- your upper endoscopy was normal and found nothing. Although it was normal, your symptoms are indicative for dyspepsia, therefore, if I was your caring doctor would advise to run further diagnostic tests like abdominal ultrasound to rule out gallbladder issues.
4. If I was your caring doctor, would recommend as following:
- follow a healthy diet regimen
- try to schedule moderate exercises on daily basis
- continue the medications as advised by your doctor
- keep following up with your doctor as scheduled
All the best!

take above medicine for 10 days and then he will see and advice me to do others menoscopy or not if that test is done then whehter
that also will be cure with medicine or i have to do operation and its compulsaory to do the above test if not done so will i face
any problem in future is this problem was form my birth as it or it has just devleloped now is it serious issue which i need to solve
now whats ur opinion.
2-in endoscopy in 2 picture can see some red mark is it ulcer
3- ag ratio is slightly change so it will be solve itself or i have take any medicine for it as i drink
alchohal only in 3 or 4 months and that to once is its also a serious issue
4- madam i feel heavyness in stomach , emty stomach gas and also gas coming after eating, burning in stomach ,acidity etc
5-when i sit to eat i can t eat more after eating i feel like vomit and fullness.
6-some time coming from out i suddenly dont feel like eating.
7-when i cough i feel vomiting
8-when i sneezing form my nose full vibration like from stomach to upper till chest i slight pain in stomach
9- 3 months ago when i have drink only water i vomitted within seconds that to only water.
10- loss of appittie i cant eat more like before
11- i short i dont feel like a normal stomach
12- i have sinus problem so cough water runs from my nose and settle in way of cough in my thorat
13- i cant sleep at night ,i have headache and bodyache i also feel burning in mouth ,tongue and gums
14-2yrs back i have done songarghpy in that fatty liver shown but after six months later i have done no fatty live only excess gas bowel
was shown and also endoscopy was done but its was normal not shown like in current endosocpy any esophagus shows normal muscosa ge junction
is at 40 cm
15- high monocyte levels are indicative for possible viral infection as u reply so for this what i have to do and what is dyspepsia and u mean to
say sonography but my doctor has suggetst me to do something like manoscopy as he say that as per ur height when u eat food it comes upper and
thats why u sometime vomit or feel like vomiting so suggest what i have to do
16- so u suggest is thier any other medicine i can take beside my doctor has given or just take what my doctor has given and will get relief
and others test which my doctor will suggest to do or its not necsarry now
Following answer to your queries...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Following answer to your queries:
Answer question 1. Ge junction is at 40 cm mean the distance of gastro esophageal junction from mouth. In your case should be rule out hiatal hernia, otherwise is a normal finding.
Answer question 2. The red mark seen aren't ulcer but small mucosal damage, which are done by scope during endoscopy procedure.
Answer question 3. Although ag ratio is slightly decreased you shouldn't take any medication, because this data hasn't any clinical significance.
Answer question 4-11.Your symptoms may be related to dyspeptic syndrome (as I mentioned above) gallbladder issues or hiatal hernia. Abdominal ultrasound will exclude biliary (gallbladder) problems. An upper gastro intestinal barium swallowing radiography will exclude hiatal hernia.
Answer question 12. Sinus problems may be independent from gastric issues as long as no signs of GERD were found on upper endoscopy. I suggest to consult an ENT.
Answer question 13. More over head ache, body ache may be related to neurological problems. You should contact a neurologist.
Answer question 14. Two years ago you have had fatty liver due to alcohol use and poor diet and obesity. After reducing alcohol and a healthy lifestyle and diet everything comeback to normal. Bare in mind that fatty liver isn't a disease but only an ultrasound finding.
Answer question 15. You have a slightly elevated monocytes due to viral infection. There's no need for any medication. Dyspepsia is when you have signs of upper gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating, gas, vomiting, indigestion etc.) with normal endoscopy findings. My advice is to run manometri test to exclude GERD.
Answer question 16. I suggest to continue medications for 6 weeks to see any improvement. I would add simeticone to your treatment and would advice to loose weigh. This will help to relief your symptoms.
Hope this will be of help!
Dr. Klerida

1-in cbc report rdw is 12.70 low what does it means and is it ok
2-ESR(westergren method is 35 high what does it means and is it ok as i search its shown bocoz of some infection in there in body so how i can cure it is it serious problem
3-fasting bloodsugar is 105 and post meals is 128 is it ok
4-25 hydroxy oh vit d 8.1 deficncy below 10
Following answers to your queries
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
1. Although hb seems to be at the limit lower range, it is considered normal.
2. ESR is high and indicating some inflammation in your body. Having hb slightly reduced is also indicative for the inflammation.
3. Your blood sugar levels are borderline, I should not be worried because you:
- are having inflammation
- are under stressed
You should repeat testing after 3 months and to also run HbA1C.
You are having slight reduced levels of vit, most probably due to problems with digestion.
The medication your doctor has prescribed will replace the vitamins that are missing.
While the gel will reduce burning sensation.
All the best!

2 - in 2 pic endoscopy their is red mark u told its becoz of scopy will it be cure itself
Following answers to your queries
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
1 . Hiatal hernia is when part of stomach is pushed up to diaphragm.
2. The red spot noted might indicate possible inflammation and will improve soon. There is nothing worrisome.
All the best!

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