What Causes Chest Pain?
unlikely GI related
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the fact that your upper endoscopy was unremarkable, and you remain in pain makes it highly unlikely that your pain is from the GI tract in origin. Even less likely if it radiates to your arm. I see you had a normal cardiac evaluation. My impression is that your pain is musculoskeletal, a condition called costochondritis, particularly if it is short lasting. it is usually associated with movement, and pain respond to anti-inflammatories. Another consideration is fibromyalgia, in which certain areas are more sensitive, and pain is worsened by pressing in certain trigger points of the body. Ask your doctor to check for it during your next physical exam.
If the pain worsens when you swallow or eat, then another test that can be considered is an esophageal manometry, which serves to measure the pressures of the muscles of the esophagus (which can't be assessed during a regular endoscopy). But based on the information you provided i wouldn't consider it now.
Hope that helps, let me know if you have further questions
it does not seems to be the heart
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based on your description it does not seem to be the heart. The fact that it occurs so many times a day, and lasts for so little time goes against a heart condition. A stress test is a good test; another option which you may have had already is an EKG (electrocardiogram).
Costochondritis may occur in multiple joints and therefore the arm pain and chest pain are likely related (but not necessarily).
The dizziness should not be related to the pains you are having, but i agree that if you become anxious when the pain starts, you may become dizzy.
You are very young to have any cardiac condition, therefore if a stress test and an EKG are normal, i would forget about the heart at this time.
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anxiety can manifest in multiple ways. dizziness is definitely a common one, but pain is also manifestation, and all your symptoms could be secondary to anxiety. In your case i would suggest getting treated for the anxiety and see if pain goes away.