What Causes Continuous Abdominal Pain?
Proper investigations first. Plenty of oral fluids at one go...
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
Read your history which says you have already undergone PCNL last year when 4-5 stones were removed.
The cause of the gentle but continuous pain certainly can be due to stone impacted in the urinary system.
I would advise you the following as medical field is evidence based and since you have already have an experience it would be better to go for a few investigations for a review and to get an exact diagnosis which helps for the proper planning of the treatment:
-Ultrasonography of the whole abdomen, it will show a direct evidence of stones or an indirect one in the form of fullness of the urinary system like hydroureter or hydronephrosis.
-Investigations if the blood- routine and kidney function tests.
-Urine: routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
This will give us an idea for the exact problem.
-Intravenous pyelography, cysto-urethroscopy and if possible ureteroscopy will be decided by your treating Urologist, if he feels so.
Your specific queries:
(a) quick remedy for stuck stones and pain : Pain will go away automatically once the cause is treated.
-Stone removal will depend upon its position, site, size and findings on investigations. It will be in the ambit of your treating Urologist to decide the best way.
(b)longer process in order to avoid the stone formation forever ::
The simplest and the most favoured ways is-
You have to maximum amount of oral fluids. particularly water at one go whenever it suits you for the time and the place as you may have to visit the bathroom frequently for the next few hours.
So the preferred time may be in the evening when you reach home.
This is called forced diuresis and works in all the cases. It works by diluting the urine so that the concentration of the crystals forming the stone does not allow it to settle to form a new stone or settle on the pre-existing stone/s.
-Some tablets like Cystone and so may help. There are no well randomized trials.
I hope this answer helps to satisfy your query and helps to have solved the problem at the moment and get a permanent cure.
Please feel free to ask for more if you need to or if you feel there is a gap-of-communication.